

I have discovered that Pete is just as into redoing the outside of our townhouse as I am to redoing the inside. I can’t wait to do the big jobs (kitchen, bathroom, etc), but while Jon was in town this weekend, he gave Pete a hand on the roof of our patio. I’m really glad that we’re getting this stuff done before my mom gets here on Thursday night.

Here the boys are up on the roof, minus the plastic roof things.


Here are the old ones. They’re gross and made of fiberglass.  Yuck.


Here’s the DP. This is my new favorite picture of him.


And here is Big J. He’s such a good friend for putting up with me and Pete for an entire weekend, and doing all this work. We can’t wait for him to come back. Next time will be more fun.


Here’s Jon checking out the final product. I’m sure there is some sort of practical purpose for this roof, but in my eyes it definitely looks 100% better.


And here are two of my favorite boys. Triumphant over there victory against the roof, the rain, and the fiber glass. Them hanging out together just makes me happy. I don’t even have to be there.


Here’s a potato thrown in for good luck. She definitely inherited her love for computers from her mama.
