Life, Pets

Gonzo Bunny Ears

So I’m pretty much obsessed with all things pit bull right now. I read pit bull blogs, I read articles, I’m hopefully contributing to Stubby Dog, and I’m looking for somewhere to volunteer.  Giving up Joey was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but his awesomeness really made me fall in love with his breed.

One of the blogs I read is Love and a Six Foot Leash, where a DC-area couple fosters pitties (yes, there is a nickname for pit bulls out there!) and blogs about them while they try to find a good home. I read their blog for two reasons:

  1. I’m jealous. I wish we could do the same thing. And have Joey back.
  2. They are currently fostering the cutest dog ever.

Meet Gonzo Bunny Ears:

He’s a Boston Terrier mixed with a pit bull, and his ears are like that ALL THE TIME. He’s being fostered because he was found running around some neighborhood, and then taken to a shelter. They were able to find the owners, but then he was found running around again and taken to the shelter a second time. When the shelter contacted the owners again, the owners never came to get him. WHO COULD SAY NO TO THIS LITTLE FACE??

So if you’re in the DC area and looking for an adorable, smaller size pit bull, please contact the lovely folks over at Love and a Six Foot Leash. Or just go read about their adventures. Gonzo Bunny Ears just might be the next member of your family!

*Photos courtesy of Love and a Six Foot Leash