Birthdays, Life

On the first night of my 27th year

Over the years, I have become less and less of a birthday person. I love my friends and family, but prefer that the center of attention stays away from me. Maybe avoiding birthdays is a sign of reaching adulthood. Turning 26 freaked me out, because my self imposed having kids deadline was 28. Now that we're a year away from that, I feel really pressured to finish things that Pete and I want to do, like visit my sister in Thailand and go to Ireland. All related to travel and money, of course. And get to grad school, and finish grad school. And keep my house clean all the time. And be organized. The self improvement list never ends. Anyway, here are a few things I have learned in the last year of my life.

  • I can't share a sink. I grew up with my own sink, and I can't wait to have my own again.
  • I'm really OCD about some things, like recycling plastic bottles, not eating food past the expiration date, and making plans.
  • I am Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging (ISFJ) according to the MBTI scale. I feel first, think later.
  • Hanging out in small groups suits me better, and any large group activities usually make me feel drained. And that's ok.
  • I have to let myself feel things for as long as it takes for me to work through it. I am a perfectionist.
  • I'm a visual person. I need to see it to understand it. Tell me how to cook a recipe and I can't handle it, but write down the instructions and I can do anything.
  • I may not really want to freelance. I'm doing it now, and working after work sucks and stresses me out.

I think that's enough for now. I can't reveal all of my secrets out in one night! In the next year, I want to learn to enjoy cooking, take care of out house a little better, refinish a desk that I have, and take a mini vacation with Pete. No pressure, though!

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