
Do feelings belong in the workplace (or, I cried at work today)?

Crying at work is supposed to be taboo, unless you take the advice of Penelope Trunk and think that it's a myth that should be dispelled.

If you are me, crying at work seems to be unavoidable. No matter how hard I try to hold it in, my neck gets blotchy, my face turns red, and the tears spill over.

Work has been a little crazy the last few days. More for my old and new boss(es?) than for me, I'm sure. A few organizational changes caught me by surprise during an already busy week. I try to roll with the punches, I really do. The changes will probably add to my workload, and in a week where I'm out of the office half the time, thinking about that really stressed me out. Combine that with two cats who don't want to sleep a whole night through and a series of headaches that haven't gone away, and you're left with a tired me. When my boss looked at me in a meeting today and said, "Lindsay, you look overwhelmed," I cracked. I started to cry. I had been holding it in all day, and I couldn't stop it. It just happened. I am such a bad feeling hider! And then if people ask me a question or notice, it's all over and the tears flow.

I wonder if this is a bad thing. Does it show weakness? Usually I cry out of frustration, stress, or anger, which seems to be a typical response according to what I've read. I feel like I should be myself, tears or no tears. I am an ISFJ, after all!