

Behold the mystery meal. It looks like fish but it’s chicken. I asked for green beans and he gave me beans and rice. And unsalted steamed vegetables. Oh well, that’s what I get for waking up late this morning.

So my pseudo boss reminds me of Mr. Magoo. I have no idea why. It seems like all old men that I dislike remind me of Mr. Magoo. He just putters around and says mean things, or doesn’t talk to me at all, which is what I would prefer.

I’ve escaped to the lunchroom to get away from the little cube for a bit. I hate being holed up in there all day. I had work to do yesterday, but no work today, so it’s back to CNN.

The wedding is less than 90 days away and I’m starting to freak out. We have to put the invites together, once they’re printed, and I’ll be glad when that’s done with. I have to start working weekends, so I don’t know when I’ll do it, but whatever. I just want to be married and have a permanent job already!