
A year in review

First of all, I have been a bad, bad blogger this year. But it has been a crazy year. Every year Leelee reminds me that “200x is going to be a great year!”, and she was definitely right about 2007. So far this year:

I got engaged.

I went to Toronto for work, and Pete met me there for some fun.


I saw Niagra Falls, via the Canadian side.

Cruised the Caribbean with the Saz.


We also went fishing with the parents and the focus broke down. Pete peed in the street and we were attacked by large bugs that we couldn’t see.

We picked out wedding stuff.

I visited Kelly.

My company was sold. Bye, bye Harcourt, hello HMH and the nonguaranteed job.

Monday night dinner resumed with avengence. Definitely the pick me up I need every week.

Cristin announced that she might be moving to Portland. Downgrade!

More wedding stuff.

I spent my last Christmas with my family as Lindsay, and next year I will be Lindsay-with-a-different-last-name. And it was harder than I thought it would be.

KK went to Australia and came back. And is leaving again.

I bought and picked up my dress. And Deryck carreid it for me 🙂

Leelee and I went to Savannah.

Ally turned one.

And tonight I will ring in the new year with some of my favorite people.

For next year:

We have six weddings to go to before ours.

We are going to the Dominican Republic.

And those are all my plans! Resolution: Weight for the wedding dress, pay down the debt, both things that we need to do anyway! Happy New Year’s, I’m sure that 2008 will be a great year!