
The three minute update

Three minutes and then I stop.

Work has been CRAZY, contributing to my MIAness. I’ve been working 10-12 hour days for the last week or so, and I’m exhausted, the last thing I want to do is go online and update the dear blog. Back in the day, I was at my computer all the time so random thoughts always ended up here while I was procrastinating on writing papers. Procrastinatig during catalog is not an option, unfortunately, as some of our little group will be going up to Madison to get it printed on Sunday.

Harcourt will be sold to Houghton Mifflin in the middle of the month. That means that we are guaranteed jobs until Dec. 31. After that, we’ll see what happens. Makes me worry a little bit, but luckily Pete has a steady job now, and catalog has kept me so buy I haven’t has much time to think about it…..