

Shopping for wedding dresses is unlike any experience I’ve ever had. And I BOUGHT one. I’m actually getting married. Like, for real. In 9 months. A child could incubate in that amount of time. Not that I’m preggo, I’m just sayin’.

So it was David’s Bridal, and it was me and my mom, and the Grandmas, and Marissa. I felt a little weird bringing an entourage, but all of those people know me, so I figured for the first attempt it would be good to get an idea of what I liked, and what looked good.

Here are "The Judges", as they were dubbed by my dress helper person, promising to behave.

Me and Marissa, who drove to MIA just to hang out and had to bear seeing me in my wonderful granny panties. She got to help me in and out of the dresses, and help me put the shoes on. I now know why people back in the day had people dress them. It’s because you have to wear SO MANY layers. I bet they sweat all the time.

And so that’s it! That’s all I get to say about it for now. The first dress was white and terrible, and Natasha, my dress helper lady, quickly picked out like 4 dresses that would look good on me. Apparently the ones I picked out weren’t appropriate for a church wedding and the number of guests or something. But I stayed well within my budget, which I’m really happy about, because I’m trying hard to.

The weekend was good, but wedding filled. We went and talked to the church wedding coordinator, who will be running the wedding, or something. Not sure how that will work out. But the chapel is small, and cute, and I can’t wait to get married there. It’s not all restored and such like the one Mandy and Brent were married in, but I’m excited because I know so many people who have been married there.

I’m also DYING to see our engagement pics. DYING. I can’t wait, it was great working with The Wedding Couple, and I know that they’ll do a great job for the wedding. We skipped out on the tennis pics, though. I put on my tennis dress (in the car, in a parking garage, ha), and when I got out, Peter was like, "I think that’s a little tight…" I looked at myself in the Focus’ window and was like ok, I’m going straight back in the car, tell them I’m not coming back out! Apparently things don’t fit me like they used to! haha. But thats ok, so goes life post hormones. It will take time for all that pudge to go away.