

I am terrible about traveling. I LOVE going to new places, but I absolutely hate getting there, especially when it involves a 7 am flight on United with a connection in DC. I’m sure the DC airport is fine, but ever since I started having anxiety, I’ve hated to fly and be in small places. I love the aisle seat, but I hate United’s cramped rows that don’t even fit my 5’2 self.

Tomorrow I’m off to Toronto for work, and I was excited until today, just because it’s almost 9 and I have yet to pack. I don’t even really know where all of my stuff is. Or if it’s clean. Pete is meeting me there on Tuesday, and after I’m done working on Wednesday we’re going to wander around for the rest of the week, having dinner in the CN Tower and going to Niagra Falls. Very cool :). I’m going to try and be good and take lots of pictures, so I can make one of those PhotoWorks albums out of it. This is our first vacation together, and I fully expected for him to propose while we were on it. But he surprised me, because he knew I would easily figure it out. I bought a book

As for The Wedding, we have stuff figured out! He and I are so busy in the next few two months that we went to Miami last weekend to find a reception site. Turns out that the Rusty Pelican will be the best place to have it, and their ballroom is really pretty. There is a view of downtown, so it’s making it hard for me to figure out colors. So we have a church, a party place, and a date, which makes me really happy. I didn’t want to wait for two years for to get married, because I’m ready to start life now! But I think this next year is going to be really fun and exciting, and by the time the wedding actually comes, I’ll have prepared enough to be able to relax and enjoy it. I hope anyway. The coolest thing to me is that the church that I always dreamed of getting married in is being renovated, and it will be done by the time we get married. My grandparents helped found it 50 years ago, and I think that Papa will be there in spirit. Two of my aunts were also married there, and my parents were married in the big church, so it really means a lot to me. I’m glad that Peter is cool with it. Oh, and I broke down and made a wedding website. I can’t believe how disgustingly girly I am. I spent like $40 on bridal magazines, and I’m supposed to go to bridal shows. Not sure that I’m cut out for this! But anyway, the page isn’t finished yet (we have yet to ask all of the bridal party or register….I know, I’ve only been engaged for two weeks , but I can’t help it if I’m a planner!), but here is its debut I guess. Enjoy the “beta version”! Just click here!