
If dreams are like movies, then memories are films about ghosts

So today is Ricardo’s last day at our wonderful little office, and he will be missed.

That being said, I can’t wait until I can work for myself, and for whatever it’s worth, I’m proud of him for making such a big change in his life. Change is always scary at first, but once things settle down, it’s usually for the better. And I know he’s going to do great out there in freelance world! 🙂

I’m supposed to be finishing up a script for work, but I figure that if I write for a minute and clear all this crap out of my head, things will come a little more easily.

Pete and I are going to Toronto! In a split second, my wonderful boyfriend said that he would come on a business trip with me. Not really with me, but I’ll take two vacation days, and we’ll spend the rest of my week in Toronto together.

The most fun part about this is that I tried to get Pete to stay in a hostel, but he wasn’t having that. So on a whim, I bid for $100 a night on, and ended up with this: a four star hotel in downtown Toronto!! Being the savvy travel planner I am, I also booked reservations at the CN Tower for that Friday night, and a day trip to Niagra Falls the day after Pete flies in. We’ll get to go on the Maid of the Mists, or walk behind the falls, and also take a tour of an ice winery.

You know, for how crappy this week began, it really ended up well. And tomorrow I’m going to help paint the new Groveland Historical Society museum area. For those of you that don’t know, my family is the offspring of two old Florida families: the Arnolds and the Dowlings.  The Arnolds owned a lumber mill in Groveland, FL, and the Dowlings owned a mill in Live Oak. They also have a lot to do with the early Florida railroad, but I don’t know much about that side of my family. Apparently my great-grandfather forbade his wife to see her family, and we’ve lost touch with them.

Back to the painting, I read an article in the paper about a Groveland Historical Society, and how they were trying to start a museum about Groveland’s history. So of course, I immediately called them, and now Pete and I are going to go work at the museum tomorrow. Papa would be proud, I think, and it makes me happy that I am here to act as a family representative. It’s so important for the stories not to get lost.

And then I have a hair appointment, and that makes me happy. My hair is way to long.

Hopefully I’l have some new pics up this weekend. Back to the script, yo!