
its beginning to look a lot like christmas!

i have an internship at Relevant!!! WOOHOO! an internship at a nationally syndicated mag! who would have ever thought? so next semester, for those people who thought they never saw me, are really not going to see me this semester either. UNLESS i get a student loan and quit hops. which is really what i’m hoping to do. grants are always nice but i doubt i’ll qualify for those. i wish i had a super rich family member that would loan money to me interest free, but there’s not one for me to ask. ah well.

my semester grades ended half way decent. some how i got an a- in creative writing. i would love to see the comments on the last story i wrote, but there’s no way that i can get in touch with my prof. he’s not listed anywhere on ucf’s website. la la la.

some cool websites that i found today :
www.dinnerbroker.com this one lets you look up trendy restaurants and make reservations online. if you go to the great deals button or whatever, and reserve at a certain time (it tells you), you can save up to 20% on your bill!

www.idine.com savings on lots of restaurants for $50 a month

www. restaurant.com they have thing where you can bid on 50% off and $25 giftcards on ebay for like a dollar. woohoo!

www.refurbelectronics.com refurbished stuff with a 2 or 4 year warranty!

Quote of the day

Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. –Ralph Waldo Emerson