
i really shouldn’t be posting right now

i have a paper due in a few hours. but for the sake of procrastination, here are the answers to three survey questions. i stlll can’t believe ben posted that pic on his site! he’s so silly.

5. Do you know your astrological sign? If so what is it?

i’m pisces

6. Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?

no not really. i think sometimes they express emotions or feelings that you have that you won’t express in real life

7. What is your most vivid dream? there are two that i remember right now: 1) i got into a huge fight with this kid i used to know, and we were both screaming at each other. 2) i wrote a play for the church youth group at a church i don’t even go to anymore, and i bought them all this huge thing of breyer’s vanilla ice cream. i was riding with one of the kids in the play to rehearsal and i opened the tub of ice cream and it was half gone. then i got really mad at my sister because i knew her and her friends ate it. i was mad that i had to go to walmart and get more. then pete came in and woke me up and it ended.

back to the paper, i’m pretty behind here. driving to miami today and taking tater. i can’t wait to see the fam!