
would you like to take a survey? cuz i really can’t procrastinate anymore. . .

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can’t live without)

Something important on your desk: my computer

When you sleep you wear: camisole top and boxers

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: an apple power book. i want one SO bad but they’re so expensive 🙁

Something you don’t have a lot of: money. but who does right now? we’re all poor.

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: my cat, my journals., and the back up cd of everything i’ve ever written on my computer since high school


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: well i’ve been told if i was a smoker i would be addicted to cigs. but i’m not a smoker. so my addiction is really chocolate and pepsi. i think i would enjoy being addicted to caffeine. i kinda already am.

A compliment that makes you blush: anytime i’m told i’m beautiful. its always unexpected and i blush

You are embarassed when: i say something really stupid that everyone laughs at and then won’t drop forever. there are inside jokes about things i’ve said in high school that i still get embarassed about.

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: i’ve never really been in physical pain. my arm was hurt for awhile but it was more of an ache. the most immediate physical pain i’ve ever had was splitting my chin open on the tennis court. oh yeah. and falling out of a tree house and breaking my nose. that was pretty painful too.

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: any kind of loss. loss of friendship, loss of family members. i hate losing people, but sometimes things happen and you can’t help it

Your best physical feature: i’ve been told legs by multiple people, so i guess i’ll put that. i like my hair. it doesn’t do much, but i can sleep on it and wake up with it looking ok the next morning.


Emotion you hide most: anger…i can get bitchy sometimes, but no one has actually seen me really angry.

The emotion you tend to experience most: i always second guess myself with everything that i do. was this choice right? should i have used that subject for my paper?

The emotion you are feeling most lately: homesick. my grandpa is sick and i want to be with him

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: the way that i’ve handled some things

When you are angry you need: an outlet and not to be around anyone so that i can calm down. i need to play tennis. i need to listen to the instrumental on everclear’s so much for the after glow. sometimes when i get really angry i cry.

When you are sentimental you need: to call up a friend from back in the day, like jon or fuf, that i can relive stuff with

When you are in love you need: to be around my boyfriend 🙂


One of your most peaceful memories: any moment laying in my drive way with my friends from high school and watching the stars, talking about what we were going to do with our lives

One of your most tragic memories: finding out that my aunt and cousin were killed in a car accident. finding out my grandpa had cancer, being the only one home at the time, and not knowing what to do with myself

One of your angriest memories: finding out that some kid i knew was spreading rumors about me. i hate it when people do that, especially when what they’re saying isn’t true. gossip is so pointless, unless its restaurant gossip, and then it doesn’t matter because those people don’t really care about you anyway

A memory that makes you laugh: when lyanna and i went to an fiu party a few weeks ago and i talked some guys into doing a keg stand for her because she had never seen one. that was pretty funny

a memory that makes you happy: winning gatorbowl. any moment with my friends where everything comes together and it all seems perfect


If you had more time alone you would: read for fun. but if i had more time alone i would probably be forced to read for class.

If you had more patience you would: learn another language. something commonly spoken in europe. probably french

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: i want a waist! my butt is so big i just don’t have one. sigh…

If you had no committments what would you be doing: traveling around europe and helping out my missionary friends over there

If you could start all over…. i would do a lot of things differently. i would have been more outgoing in highschool and not cared how much trouble i got into with my parents. i would have played on the tennis team all through high school and tried out for a college team somewhere. i would have been smarter about the choices i made. but they always say that hindsight is better. and i refuse to have any regrets.