
writing my first review

so i went for an internship at relevant and the editor handed me two cd’s and said, “review these and email me your reviews by monday.” as cool as that is i’m not too sure yet that i have the ability to review and compare music to other music that i’ve heard. especially since lately i haven’t been all current about whats going on in the emo scene. i’m reviewing a slick shoes (not a new band) that comes out. . .sometime, and another band called emery whose cd doesn’t come out until sometime in january. madd craziness.

this weekend has been mostly working, with the exception of saturday where i went shopping for my cat. i’m getting a cat! a devon rex! its so cool! i’m getting her tomorrow, and i’m still not sure what to name her.

i’m having so much trouble picking classes. NOTHING IS OPEN FOR US ENGLISH MAJORS! grrrrr

work on friday sucked. heard rumors they want to fire all the hostesses. came home feeling bitchy and cristin is like. . .here lets talk about all the money you owe me for cable. which is fine, but i wasn’t in the mood for it. poured myself a glass of orange juice, only to somehow spill it all DOWN my shirt. not like on the outside of my shirt, but on the inside. ew. after that i just decided it was one of those days where you have to eat, take a shower, and go straight to bed. it needed to be over.

so right now i’m supposed to be: writing feature for mag writing, emptying dishwasher, finding lyrics for those reviews, making my bed cuz i washed everything, cleaning up the rest of my room to get ready for the cat. instead i’m talking to people and writing in here. i had better get going. its already 8:30 and i still have reading to do. when does everything stop being so damn busy all the time?